Monday, October 22, 2012


So I haven't been on here in a while. This world wind of a life I live has taken me into different phases. But the past is the past and I am on to bigger and better things. I have recently decided to switch careers. A BIG deal for me. I was in school for Nursing and I just fell out of love with the whole concept of being a nurse; or what I can really say is, I lost passion in the field. Being in an African household, there are certain careers/fields your parents have set for you to choose from, that could be Law, Medicine or Engineering. Growing up my father wanted me to become a Lawyer because of my argumentative nature, but it just never interested me at all. So the next thing would gradually be Nursing because I don't know the first thing about Engineering if it bit me in the butt to be honest. I can say 90% of my family is in the medicine field. In no way am I downplaying the Medicine field, it is a lucrative field to enter and you are almost guaranteed a job once you graduate seeing as people are always going to need healthcare. That is the reason why I decided to enter the field in the first place. But Missy had other dreams and aspirations. (Yes I just used third person!) See my god given skill is Hair and Make-up. Yes I am a girly girl and I love every aspect of the Cosmetology field. So getting back to the topic of this post, I have decided to "postpone" my Nursing education/career to pursue my Cosmetology career full time. Along with my career change, I am contemplating whether or not to start a YouTube vlog dealing with hair, make-up, beauty, fashion, life, etc. There are many vlogs already dealing with those said topics, but I feel I can put a spin and a different take of those topics on my vlog.  I am a YouTube fiend, I could honestly stay on YouTube all day, so that is where I guess you can say I got the idea to start my own vlog. But anyways, I most likely will finish up my schooling for Nursing part time seeing as I have a year left. I like nice things, and my nice things cost a lot, so I will probably need to work as a Nurse or a Medical Assistant (which I am now) to fund my new career and also my "nice things habit". I am super excited and also nervous. This is a big deal and I know now I can be finally happy and get rid of my complacent ways. So look out for my vlog and also look out for me, I might be in a salon styling near you soon! 

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