Tuesday, October 23, 2012


If it's one thing I cannot stand, it is when an ex speaks ill of you once things have gone sour. Oh my goodness, it irks my SOUL!!! Once upon a time, y'all were happy and "perfect" in the relationship. I call it "The Beginning Stage". You know what I mean, the cute text messages, long phone calls, the constant communication, the "butterflies", etc. Now I'm not stating that every relationship necessarily starts like that, but it's pretty damn accurate in my book! Somewhere along the line ish gets real and the once happy couple begin the lack of communication and also the arguing. Some couples can work through it, and some cannot. At this stage, that is when he starts showing his behind and she is constantly on his neck about. The "CIA Agent" trait in a female commences, and the snooping around of the male as well. Fast forward, now the once happy couple are not together anymore and the slandering of that female begins to manifest. I don't know if it's an ego thing in a male, or insecurity, I just know that for some reason it's some how "cool" to slander someone you once loved or was with. So, these are my thoughts on this new "fad". That same female you are talking ill about, is the same female you were whispering sweet nothings to, the same one you were sexing, the same one you promised to never hurt, and finally, the same one you said you loved. Now, this doesn't make any sense to me to be honest. I believe once a man has been all up in your goodies, the slander is null & void! (This is my OWN opinion). Now ladies, you are not off the hook! We are also horrible when it comes to dishing out about the ex. The "Oh that man ain't ish", "He's not even that cute", "His member was small anyways", "He is wack", or "He is broke". LADIES, how can you say all those things and you stuck by that man's side and dealt with it!? Obviously it wasn't that bad! Yes, I am guilty of dishing out slander, I am no angel in any form. But as I get older, and reminisce on the previous relationships I have been in and the word vomit that came out my mouth, I realized that speaking ill about an ex gets you no where and it makes you look ridiculous. Now I hope this post will make you sit back and realize, everyone at one point has been guilty of slandering. 

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